☑️ Self-inquiry session marked with a sketch of a purple door in the vortex that summarises a concept of Construction and Destruction, which later became a Logo with a symbol of spiraling horizontally through chaos
Find and choose a "payment gateway" for the website MVP.
marketplace setup
local/regional/international access clients (Mediteranean, Levant, North Africa/Africa, GCC, Asia, Europe, US/Canada)
ability for memberships (in case we go for individual membership only plans (the platform is B2B unless theres a long term relationship building)
Also whether business are able to pay by installments.
Coop ability, communities saving funds and emergency funds..
Idealy we'd become an independant financial institution, but for the MVP we need to launch our experience.
On Telegram discussing the application details (art, pricing, info) to submit on Airtable and feedback loops about the art submitted (the video) with Ruta
☑️ Created Doingud account
☑️ Writing a profile bio and a submitted art description
☑️ Stitching our 6 previously recorded videos into one, on 2.5x speed and removing unwanted parts
☑️ Feedback chats with Malü about the video and overal submission
☑️ Reducing the size of the video to fit less than 300mb goal
- ✅ Add instructions and rules to publishing [Issues, Ideas, Projects].
- ✅ Make Drafts appear immediately in home page for logged in users.
- ⬜️ odoo module for syncing the labeled ERP data with Infinity, for this purpose.
- ⬜️ In context of what I've said in one of the Foresight Institute's meetings, -- I think, it is worthwhile to provide the Infinity dataset in a convenient way, for example, by using (instead of Airtable).
- ⬜️ Make it possible to see posts by order of publishing time.
- ⬜️ Filter good posts on 0oo, retrieve tweets by people from target communities, and make a queue for responding to those tweets.
- ⬜️ Add the ability to transform "Idea" <> "Concept", as part of moderation.
- ⬜️ Add Google/Twitter login.
- ⬜️ Send... tweet... send... (once there's data to analyze topic similarity)
- ⬜️ Post the membership card to [kriz]...
- ⬜️ Make to English..? cause we have language-specific domains (,,,,..)
☑️ Updated a website with our projects portfolio.
☑️ Registered domain for our creative collective.
☑️ Installed and configured a wp app in a coming soon mode.
☑️ Created that forwards to our individual emails, and ruta@ and malu@ that forward to our individual emails.
- ⬜️ Note: to add -- something like a paypal button, and "This public initiative needs your money to target ads and outreach sourcing scientists to public cooperation."
Discover a creativity process for learning that can be shared with students as a learning experience
Discover the missing puzzles for a learning space where students would come to learn (how would students interact with one another, how will we manage the space, are we going to have online self-directed learning based projects for students or will we have online courses on essential know-how to support their creativity, how many, what topics are essential, etc) and how to call it (incubator, academy, school, research centre or university)
- [⬜️] Crawl a leads site per day, and put them into a pipeline being constructed,
- ⬜️ Start from
- ⬜️ And
- ⬜️ Send custom messages to leads per topic of likely shared interest.
- ⬜️ Begin tracking conversions for registrations. (Perhaps)
- ⬜️ Also, set up uwsgi, caching.
- ⬜️ Interest codes for future.
- ⬜️ Add extra tags for navigation. (As Ruta pointed out)
- ⬜️ Auto-categorization (proposed by [Bassxn2])
Find and choose and connect with a payment gateway for the "Middle East" and "international" regions. Current available options are:
- tap (kuwaiti company) very bad customer service but highly recommended in the ecosystem
- MEPs used in Jordan for international dealing
- Hyper pay, local for Jordan and I think Saudi
- Strip (international might be expensive)
What are our options?
Create a tokenisation system that opens up the way for future digital currency that can be used by all communities in this platform.
There are different community circles to be accounted for:
Individual ID circuit
Collective ID circuit
Tribal ID circuit
and Community ID circuit
each has certain rules and levels of effectivenes on the whole ecosystem...
to be thought about, this thread for brainstorming. might need to seperate the circuite from the tokenisation ideas to simplify.
- ✅ Make number of [invites] visible to encourage sharing invites.
- ☑️ Epoch Day as date/time.
- [⬜️] Active Outreach:
- ✅ Abstracted away proxy and database configuration.
- ✅ Refactored best practice of scrapy crawler to a standalone scripts.
Now, game registration generates the invitations automatically, when someone solves the game, and it works correctly with all domains.
- ⬜️ Organize meeting of
- Kostya
- Samuel
- beepb00p
- Mindey
- ⬜️ The key is to create metadrive that generates RestAPI/GraphQLAPI for web resources (mounting them can generalized by other packages then)
- it should support using the existing libraries and crawlers.
- ⬜️ Make the maze client into chrome plugin, so that people could run the maze on their websites, a bit like sitemap.xml, but for mazes :)
- ✅ Finalize improvements to registration (get to 0oo registration invite via 3D Maze working as a Captcha)
- ☑️ Start a daily process of crawling a site per day, and sending invitations to the crawled contacts, but for that, I need,
- ⬜️ to revive MetaDrive project, because of [multiple projects] needing leads.
This weeks's update ↑ :) The things that are summarized in the linked target ↗.
Added invite links to topics, so you can easier invite people, and added alternative way to register (via playing a game: will deploy this some time during tomorrow.)
Added as one of the primary domains, so you can use it as main, if you want English be default language. Otherwhise, remains without default language.
- ✅ Enable every type of page: category, idea, project - have chat links to discussions.
- ✅ Beautify those invite links to topics.
- ✅ Colorize and customize dispaly of topics for first time visitors via link
- Display in time in traditional Gregorian calendar for 1st time visitor.
- Removed menu for first-time visitor.
- ✅ Bugfix of currency exchange rates cron.
- 🎉 A 100 USD from a user to fund a project.
- ✅ Remove notifications of private project events from admins channel.
- ☑️ Registration options: via Email or Game.
- ✅ Configured domain for its a better brand in English.