SETI信号“ Wow! ”的来源
1977年8月15日,SETI望远镜发现了一个持续72秒断断续续的信号,强且清晰。天文台台长约翰·克劳斯(John Kraus)随后详细介绍了这一观测结果:"Wow!"信号强烈暗示着地球外的智能起源。但是后来他们检查该天区,没有发现类太阳恒星。直到最近该信号没有重复,也没有得到解释。
但是当代欧洲航天局的盖亚计划绘制的夜空地图精度比四十年前高得多,业余天文学家Alberto Caballero在盖亚星表的相同区域中搜索类太阳恒星,果然搜到了一颗:2MASS 19281982-2640123,1800光年远,在人马座。 Alberto Caballero的论文在这里
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If that were the origin, they are 1800 years ahead of us technologically. We should keep an eye on it. I wonder, what culture might evolve a well-funded METI program. What reasoning could make a civilization willing and determined to signal outwards? To survive in the minds of the civilizations of the future?
--Inyuki, 2020-11-24 @14:41Z
What reasoning could make a civilization willing and determined to signal outwards:
Maybe the deepest wondering: Are we alone?
--草长莺飞, 2020-12-20 @08:12Z