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Prototyping systems

How to create a micro system in a real world?

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Systems seems to be the way how everything functions. How to create a micro system? Any general principles out there?

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In lean startups there is an approach called MVP (minimum viable product) which means creating must-have features based on the vision in order to get feedback from the real world fast.

So, if I apply this thinking for creating a system, then I need to create must-have relationships because they make up a system? And that is my system prototype?

For example, a fish tank as a system needs a fish but also bacterias that eat fish poo, and plants that a fish eats to produce poo! Now, how does this apply to business?

And how do i know which relationships are must haves?

// So, if I apply this thinking for creating a system, then I need to create must-have relationships because they make up a system? And that is my system prototype?

Based on the lean methodology, that would be indeed so. And that means, people-research. Who are those particular people to create relationships with for it to work.

// And how do i know which relationships are must haves?

Thinking of community as a product, is a bit like thinking of a fish tank, yeah, what kind of fish does it need? Probably will depend, ultimately, on what type of fish tank we want to have to live within.

Actually, I was looking into more abstract example and how to have a thinking template for creating systems.

What does any business, any community, any garden, any system need to work (by driving inspiration from how natural systems work)?

Thinking, perhaps what's the most important in the system is a movement of energy and not its parts (parts can change.. if it's a real world system).

So, for a business as a system to work, a movement of money is key. So a transaction moment must be designed. And then missing puzzles to enable that transaction.

For a garden as a system to work, a flow of water and heat must be designed. And later, the plants in the garden.

For a community or a town as a system to work, an interaction is a must-have. So, space that triggers interactions designed. And later, specific people invited who may come and go as they will.

Write proof of concept in a quick to develop language like Python.

Then when you need performance, rewrite in a more serious language like C. If you ever need to, I doubt you need to.